
Hundreds of people competed last weekend in Hódmezővásárhely

Hundreds of people competed last weekend in Hódmezővásárhely
This content is only available in Hungarian language....

Eredményes hetet zártak a vásárhelyi úszók a debreceni országos bajnokságon

Eredményes hetet zártak a vásárhelyi úszók a debreceni országos bajnokságon
This content is only available in Hungarian language....

Elindult a vásárhelyi delegáció a debreceni országos bajnokságra

Elindult a vásárhelyi delegáció a debreceni országos bajnokságra

The Vasarhely sign has arrived to the main entrance

The Vasarhely sign has arrived to the main entrance

EJSC 2016 - The local pool has brought luck to the Hungarians

EJSC 2016 - The local pool has brought luck to the Hungarians
With five gold, four silver and three bronze medals, Hungary has finished on the 4th place in the rank of the countries in the Junior European Swimming Championship, the venue of which was Hódmezővásárhely. The most successful participant of the tournament has become Ajna Késely, who came in first on four occasions....

EJSC 2016 - Hódmezővásárhely has been considered to be a successful host

EJSC 2016 - Hódmezővásárhely has been considered to be a successful host
Hódmezővásárhely has been considered to be a successful host by the participants of the 43rd Junior European Swimming Championship...

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