EJSC 2016 - The local pool has brought luck to the Hungarians

EJSC 2016 - The local pool has brought luck to the Hungarians

With five gold, four silver and three bronze medals, Hungary has finished on the 4th place in the rank of the countries in the Junior European Swimming Championship, the venue of which was Hódmezővásárhely. The most successful participant of the tournament has become Ajna Késely, who came in first on four occasions.

The local pool, the Gyarmati Dezső Sport Swimming Hall has brought good luck to the Hungarian team in the 43rd Arena Junior European Swimming Championship. Exceeding even the highest expectations, our swimmers could win 12 medals: 5 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze. The international outfield was extremely strong, several junior peaks were refuted, thus the performance of the national competitors is more than promising.

It was an extremely difficult championship since it has been the first time that four different age groups gathered together from all over Europe. 750 competitors have never attended a similar tournament. Although I think, the competitors did their best – said Iván Petrov, the head coach of the Hungarian swimming junior national team.

The most successful Hungarian swimmer was the only 15-year-old Ajna Késely who won a gold medal in three single events and won in the Ind. Medley event as well.

We had agreed with my trainer on not having high hopes about this Junior European Championship. I'm completely amazed that I could achieve such results. The outfield was very strong –thanks God- since this way I was enforced to do my best - said Ajna Késely, four-fold junior European Champion swimmer.

Three Vásárhely origin locals also jumped into the pool in the continents' fight. Ákos Süli has started in three events and he can still compete in the junior league next year.

The biggest aim was learning. At present, we belong to the European mid-range, next year we would like move one step higher since Ákos has already made up his mind to succeed - highlighted Sándor Bán, the coach of Ákos Süli.

Among the locals, the best result has been reached by Richárd Miksi, who almost won a medal in the Ind. Medley event. In order to do so, he had to give up the chance of winning in a single event; therefore it is not surprising that Szabolcs Szentkereszty, the president of the Hód Swimmer SE has evaluated his performance with mixed feelings.

I have mixed feelings. We think that Misi is trying to get over this happening in the same way. He had to cancel the 100 m Breaststroke event in semi-final for the request of the association since a couple of events later he had to participate in the Ind. Medley event where they had more chance to win a medal. However, in this event, they acquired the fourth place - added the president of the Hód Swimmer SE.

Csaba Kendi has also started as a local competitor, although similarly to Ákos Süli, he was not able to get into the finals, either, this year. Though, it has to be said that it was their very first European Championship therefore they did their best.

The local pool has brought luck to the Hungarians