Gel to support and stimulate beard growth.
Unbelievable facts: Myths about beard.
Some people believe that if you haven’t grown a good beard by the age of 20, then there is no chance for you to have one. Man, this is not true. It’s all up to you and your organism features. Even men in forty-ish (no offense, guys, there is just a stereotype that life after 40-s does not exist) can grow a full-on beard and be as handsome as their younger buddies. Just look at all these celebrities who have facial hair. So, no need to give up and start shaving right away.
You should better think of applying hair care cosmetics to stimulate, or support your beard growth. Luckily, today we can offer such care tools as shampoos, sprays and gels to maintain hair growth. We can also recommend using a dermaroller so that your skin will better absorb spray or gel. Include them in your daily routine or morning (or evening, if you wish) procedures and soon you will enjoy the result. Again, it’s all individual. But we assure that applying hair cosmetics will boost the growing process. You just need to be patient and do it regularly.
Another myth about having a beard is: it’s itching. It’s not completely true. Believe us, it will last only one or two weeks maximum. And if you use conditioner or shampoo (not a soap, please) and wash it regularly, you probably will not even notice this annoying feeling.
Well, we don’t want to discuss the magic elixirs that will ease and speed up the hair growth. Please, do not even think of using homemade products or other suspicious substances. This way you can damage your skin. Right, be afraid of applying untested and not certified cosmetics. Remember that problem may relate to the low level of testosterone. In this case, review your diet. More red meat, broccoli, eggs and vitamins!
Facial hair grows at the same rate. Again, not true. For example, the beard on the cheeks usually grows more slowly than on the chin. That’s how the human body works. Of course, you can still boost the hair growing process. Regular care and patience. By care we mean not only regular trimming or applying cosmetics. Moisturize your skin. It also needs your attention. By the way, Head and Beard has a Day Cream that will hydrate and nourish your skin at a deep level.
As you may see, all these myths are not working. Guys, it is all in our heads. All you have to do is really care and take necessary steps towards your dream beard. Do not stop or panic just because Google says it. Follow our recommendations, and soon you will be one of us: hairy buddy with a perfect beard.